Meet your bookkeeper

Hi there, I’m Sarah. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? I think I was in elementary school the first time I remember wanting to start my own business. I would set up a desk and play with an old 10-key adding machine that my parents had lying around. This should have been the first nudge that later in life I’d nerd out about all things accounting. Of course, that was only the beginning.

Little did I know I would get to work hand in hand with all sorts of small businesses years later. I started my accounting career in small business advisory my third year of college and continued in it for six years. I lived and breathed bookkeeping and small business finance. I got to share and teach business owners about their finances. And as a reward, I got to watch their success and confidence grow.

Unfortunately, public accounting is an intense and exhausting industry and when I started my own little family, I wanted more flexibility in my life. I started a job in finance with a 100 person small business that still had that ma & pop feel. I worked closely with the CFO and Controller and learned even more about what it takes to run the business from the inside, what challenges business owners face, how to manage payroll and considering the tough decisions that owners face daily.

While I’ve loved all of my work experiences, I have missed my first love: bookkeeping. I missed rooting for and working with my clients. So here I am, venturing off on my own, like all of my brave clients have done before me, hoping my knowledge and skills get to help you grow. Excited for the opportunity to be a part of your team.

Fast Facts About Sarah

  • Mom to two sweet & wild boys

    Winnie & Lu <3

  • I consider Netflix a hobby

    & Prime & Hulu & Max & Peacock (and any other missing ones)

  • Traveling is my favorite area of enjoyment

    Too many wonderful places to pick a fav!

  • Favorite food combo is Prosecco & Pizza (or Wings or BBQ or Anything)

    Cheers, Salute, Prost!

  • I've lived from coast to coast

    Alaska, Wisconsin, Illinois & New York

  • I've worked with SO many industries

    Medical practices to florist, restaurants to real estate, boutiques to farmers and lots of types in between. #supportsmallbiz